In this new section you find material contributed by readers of Abbey's Web.
The pieces marked with a * are directly related to Edward Abbey, the others are
more general in nature.
You too can contribute! Do you have a photo, painting, essay, poem, article, story,
experience or anything else that in some way relates to Ed or the areas he fought for?
Send me an email (clindh@homenet.se) and we'll
discuss how to get it into Abbey's Web.
- Pulling Up Stakes, by Kent Duryee*
- Letter to Edward Abbey from Earth (A Review), by Stephen J.
- Homage to Lava Falls, poem by W.C. Bottin
- Coyote, poem by Simmons Buntin
- Grand Gulch Backpack, essay by Alan Silverstein
- Ed at home, photo by Eric Temple*
- Edward Abbey Postage Stamp, art by Josh Randall*
- Its Easy To Leave Tuxon, essay by John M. Bancroft*
- Aint No Environmentalist, note by Jeremy Schmutz
- A Death in the Family, essay by Ken Wright*
- Arches and Rattlesnakes, essay by Christopher Crossen
- The Wind, poem by Kent Duryee
- Short poem, by Clare Masiello Cahalan*
- Edward Abbeys signature, from Kipp Green
- If you have just a short reflection on Edward Abbey you can add it as a comment here:

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