By, about and related
to Edward Abbey
By Edward Abbey |
Nonfiction |
- Desert Solitaire, 1968
- Appalachian Wilderness, 1970
- Slickrock, 1971
- Cactus Country, 1973
- The Journey Home, 1977
- The Hidden Canyon, 1977
- Abbey's Road, 1979
- Desert Images, 1979
- Down the River, 1982
- In Praise of Mountain Lions, 1984
- Beyond the Wall, 1984
- One Life at a Time, Please, 1988
- A Voice Crying in the Wilderness: Notes from a Secret Journal, 1989
- Confessions of a Barbarian: Selections
from the Journals of Edward Abbey, 1951-1989, 1994
Fiction |
- Jonathan Troy, 1954
- The Brave Cowboy, 1956
- Fire on the Mountain, 1962
- Black Sun, 1971
- The Monkey Wrench Gang, 1975
- Good News, 1980
- The Fool's Progress, 1988
- Hayduke Lives!, 1989 |
Anthologies |
- The Best of Edward Abbey (also
published as Slumgullion Stew), 1984
- The Serpents of Paradise: A Reader, 1995.
Poetry |
- Earth Apples, 1994
Movies |
- Lonely are the Brave, 1962
- Fire on the Mountain, 1981
Audio tapes |
- Freedom & Wilderness: Edward
Abbey Reads From His Works
- Other tapes
Calendars |
- The 1987 Monkey Wrench Gang Calendar
- The Edward Abbey Western Wilderness Calendars
Contributions |
- Utah Wilderness Photography, 1978
- Walden, 1981
- Ecodefense, 1985
- Images from the Great West, 1990
- Late Harvest, 1991
- Desert Skin, 1994 |
About and related to Edward Abbey |
Biographies, bibliographies |
- McCann on Edward Abbey, 1977
- The New West of Edward Abbey, 1982
- Resist Much, Obey Little, 1989
- Edward Abbey: A Voice in the Wilderness (video), 1993
- Epitaph for a Desert Anarchist, 1994
- Coyote
in the Maze, 1998
- With Traven and Thoreau,
- Edward
Abbey: A Life, 2001 |
For each book I own I have included the information printed on the back of the book and
the entries for that book in the Library
of Congress LOCIS database. I have also typed in a few reviews I have found here and
there, and I hope I haven't broken too many copyrights in doing this...
Please check the Reader comments as well for information added by the readers of
Abbey's Web.
You can also buy from the Abbey's Web bookstore.
Dream Garden Press also have
most, if not all, Edward Abbey books for sale.
The Library of Congress database
and many other bibliographical databases can be searched using this Z39.50 search form.
The University of Arizona
Library has a Special Collection on Edward Abbey. The journals Abbey kept
during his lifetime are kept here among other things. You can search their database using SABIO, a telnet search interface,
but read the SABIO User Guide first.
I've never yet read a review of one of my books that I couldn't have written much
better myself.

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