The caption to Abbey's photo in his senior yearbook, L'Indien,
seems apt enough: "EDWARD ABBEY ... General College
... Dramatic and Speech Clubs ... hobbies are politics,
writing, and hitch-hiking... favorite course is
Following graduation in 1945, he spent a couple of years in
the Army in Italy. At one point, much to his surprise, he was
visited there by his father, who had sailed to Europe on an
epic post-war trip involving the shipment of horses to
regions devastated by Hitler's forces. Then, in 1947, Abbey
continued his education at IUP (then known as Indiana State
Teachers College), where he took writing classes from English
department chairman Rhodes Stabley and published his first
adult short story "A Fugue in Time," a rather
Joycean stream of consciousness experiment, in the 1948
compendium The Indiana Student Writes.
The FBI started its file on Abbey after he posted a letter
against the draft at IUP. His two-year hitch in the Army had
broadened his experience of the world, helped open up his
personality, and increased his interest in political issues.
He seems to have continued to come out of his shell at IUP,
as his classmate and friend John Watta remembers:
|  |
original Leonard Hall in Abbey's days on the Indiana
campus was the home of the English Department. It was
replaced by a new hall after burning down in 1952. |
of a sudden Ed Abbey came there in a blue workshirt, no
necktie, jeans when it wasn't fashionable. And you'd
swear he'd just walked in off of the farm and he didn't
give a damn. There'd be a bunch of guys standing around
talking, and Ed would sort of edge up to the back and,
eventually; he'd squeeze himself into the front and
before very long people were listening to Ed. There were
some really hot discussions out there. I loved to be
outside Leonard Hall in those days because they would
almost lead to fisticuffs in many cases. A lot of them
were returning GIs, like I was, and a lot older than the
average college freshman. Of course, Ed was too.
Adds Sam Furgiuele, another classmate and veteran:
"Ed was a teaser. He said a lot of things tongue in
cheek. He would say things, I think, to get a reaction. And
he would upset people." Abbey and his friends frequented
such downtown Indiana places as the Campus Grill and the
Indiana Theatre.
Later, in his journal, Abbey would recall "Indiana,
Pa.: campaigning at Teachers College I admitted that
Wallace might not win but confidently asserted that at least
he would get more votes than Truman. Nasty argument with old
English teacher Nicholson."[45] Art Nicholson had been one
of Abbey's teachers at Indiana High School, and in 1954 he
reviewed Abbey's first novel, Jonathan Troy, in the Indiana
Gazette: "The fact that the author found much of his
material in this area may add something to the book for the
local reader. Or it might cause dismay. Reactions should be
Nicholson's instinct was right. Nancy Abbey remembers that in
Indiana "a lot of people were very upset" by
Jonathan Troy. Ed Abbey, while crediting the publication
of the novel with giving him encouragement to continue his
career as a writer, came to despise it. But "at the same
time it's here," as John Watta notes, as a record of
life in Indiana, Pennsylvania, in the middle of this century.
"I loved that because he talks about the way adolecents
behave -- and this area in particular."
Jonathan Troy is Abbey's only book set entirely in
Indiana, which is only very thinly disguised as
"Powhatan"; Abbey generally preferred specific
Native American names to the generalized, Anglo-imposed
"Indiana." In his journal, Abbey drew a map of
Powhatan and the places in his novel, many of whose names
were those of actual Indiana businesses in the 1940s, when he
was in high school. Jonathan Troy and his father live in an
apartment above the Blue Bell Bar (modelled on the Blue Star
Restaurant), and Jonathan looks out his window and sees,
among other places, such actual Indiana establishments of the
period as the "Hotel Moore," "Ford Sales and
Service," the "Dairy Dell," and "G. C.
Murphy's Five and Ten."[47] Abbey describes the Dairy
Dell with particular fondness: "They wheeled into the
cool darkness of the drugstore and sat down on the red stools
by the yellow-stained marble counter. The Fountain"
(26). We read that "The lights went out over the Dairy
Dell ... over Anderson's Shoe Store and Stewart's Hardware
and B. G. Troutman's Department Store and Henry Howell's
Bookstore" (123), with Abbey oddly changing the real
"Henry Hall" to "Henry Howell" while
leaving the others unchanged. He also interspersed newspaper
clippings in the novel -- containing listings, for example,
of a meeting at "the Powhatan American Legion Home"
with "an interesting talk by Mr. J. V Bradford, feature
editor of the Powhatan Gazette, on the topic 'Is
Communism Infiltrating Our Schools?"' (60)
Indiana Places
of the 1940s
- Stewart's Hardware Store,
owned by Jimmy Stewart's father (now S &
T Bank)
- The Moore Hotel (R. B. Shannon
and Associates today)
- Henry Hall's stationery store
- G. C. Murphy's Five-and-Ten
store (now the Atrium complex)
- The Dairy Dell (now
Culpepper's bar)
- Indiana Theatre
- The Plaza poolroom, below the
- The Campus Grill
- Anderson's Shoes (now American
General Finance)
- Ford Sales and Service (now a
parking lot)
- Waxler's Department Store (now
First Commonwealth Trust)
- The old Indiana Country
courthouse (now National Bank of the
- The Blue Star Restaurant (now
the Coventry Inn)
- The Ritz (later Manos) Theatre
(now Indiana County Head Start)
- The American Legion

In Jonathan Troy, Abbey took many
more liberties with his own family life than with the
geography of Indiana and the outlying countryside. Jonathan's
mother is dead, and he shares an apartment in town with his
father, who leads a labor demonstration at "McGlauflin's
Tire and Rubber Works" (McCreary's, in real life); none
of these particulars were true of Abbey and his parents. But
Jonathan does think back to another home and an earlier life
in the countryside, which were the Abbeys' actual ones:
"way up the hollow in the vine-covered hills ... the old
farm which nobody wanted any more and which nearly everybody
had forgotten except the boy" (243). And Abbey
introduces a character who recurs much later in The Fool's
Progress: Red Ginter, who ambushed Jonathan at his school
bus stop and chased him, as Jonathan remembers in a
flashback. Earl "Red" Ginter was the name of an
actual classmate at Rayne Township Consolidated School who
was several years older than Ed but was always far behind his
age group in school.
Ed Mears tells the story of how Red Ginter and his family
died in a fire at their house in 1982: they got out safely at
first, but then went back in to try to retrieve all of their
money which they had stored in tin cans. Mears' account of an
earlier attempt by the Ginters to bury their beloved family
horse is almost Faulkneresque. They couldn't get the hole
wide enough to fit the horse, its legs fully extended in
rigor mortis. Mears stopped by and suggested that they cut
the legs off, but they'd hear nothing of that. So he had to
go get a big farm machine and force the horse into its grave.
Abbey apparently combined Red Ginter with Red Hankinson,
who "lived in Chambersville," according to Howard
Abbey, "a great big guy three or four years older than
we were. He had the great sport of beating up on little
kids." The Fool's Progress describes an
unforgettable boyhood baseball game that ends when Red Ginter
hits a home run but refuses to run the bases. This later,
greater novel also contains a great many other actual Indiana
County family names. Henry Lightcap sees the names on markers
in the graveyard, as if Abbey were making sure to memorialize
"the Hintons, the Fettermans, the Lingenfelters, ... the
Gatlins, ... the Taits, the Ginters, the Adamses,"
before he arrives "at the site reserved for
Lightcaps" (320).
of Edward Abbey's 1940s' entertainments were watching
Westerns at the Indiana Theatre and loafing at the
Campus Grill next door. |
massive building (c. 1950) that was the Indiana
County Courthouse still dominates downtown -- but now
as a bank. |
In April 1986, Abbey took a road trip home
to research places for The Fool's Progress, taking
notes on Sutton, West Virginia, as a model for the book's
principal town of Shawnee. For example, he copied down names
from the Sutton war memorials for use in the novel, when
Henry Lightcap walks past such memorials (497-98). However,
in the typescript of the novel, Abbey crossed out some of the
names he had copied down in Sutton and substituted several he
had known growing up in Home and Tanoma: Fetterman, Ginter,
and Tait, for example.[48]
Such was his attachment to his native place.
Next section: Abbey's Visits Home
[44] My thanks go to Evelyn
Booth, secretary at the Historical and Genealogical Societyof
Indiana County and a contemporary of Abbey at Indiana High
School, for locating and copying this item for me.
[45] Abbey journal entry of 3 Sept. 1956, Abbey
collection, box 4, folder 6.
[46] Nicholson, "Indiana High Grad, Ed Abbey Turns
Novelist; Authors 'Jonathan Troy'," Indiana Gazette, 3
March 1954, n. p.
[47] Abbey, Jonathan Troy (New York, 1954), 264.
[48] Abbey collection, box 15, folder 1, 880. Bill Abbey
reports (in a letter to me of 19 April 1996) that the use of
the name "Tait" was his brother's disguised tribute
to Chuck Streams, son of Tait Streams, the Abbeys' next-door
neighbors when they lived in Home. A great athlete and a
couple of years older than Ed, Chuck Streams was killed in
pilot-training in Texas at the end of World War II, shaking
up the Abbeys and the whole town of Home. The "best
player and one genuine athlete" on Henry Lightcap's
baseball team is Chuck Tait (Fool's Progress, 86).