"The foothills of
Appalachia at last. Now we're getting somewhere....
My people."
-- Edward Abbey, The Fool's Progress
(459-60) |
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Edward Abbey often said he
was born in Home, Indiana County, although he wasn't. As a
child he did live in this village with the perfect name (and
he posed there on a trip Home in 1986). |
AUTHOR OF MORE than 20 books,
native Western Pennsylvanian Edward Abbey (1927-1989) became
internationally known as a writer and a champion of the
canyons and deserts of America's Southwest.
Abbey was born and grew up in Indiana County; about 60
miles northeast of Pittsburgh, and spent nearly all of his
first 21 years there. His parents were also from the region,
and several of his relatives still live in Indiana County. Ed
Abbey's writing attracted a popular, even cult following,
especially in the West, but there is a double-edged irony to
his fame: he has remained largely unknown in his native
Western Pennsylvania, while most of his readers in the West
know little about the Pennsylvania heritage that Abbey
himself considered crucial to his voice as a writer. Desert
Solitaire (1968), a book of essays about the red rock
country of Arches National Park and Canyon-lands National
Park in Utah, tops some lists as the best twentieth-century
book about the natural world. The Monkey Wrench Gang
(1975), a novel about four activists who believe in
direct action against "development" of wilderness
areas, inspired the movement called Earth First! and
solidified Abbey's reputation as an aggressive opponent of
federal land use policy.[1]
Larry McMurtry, author of Lonesome Dove and other
fictional works set in frontier days beyond the Mississippi
River, has called Abbey "the Thoreau of the American
This article aims to redress the circumstance that Abbey
is so little known in his native region and that the
significance of the area to him and his work has been little
appreciated even by those who know Abbey's books. Drawing on
interviews with more than 20 people (mostly in Indiana
County), more than a thousand pages from the Abbey archive at
the University of Arizona in Tucson, and my reading of his
writing (both published and unpublished), I hope to encourage
an understanding and appreciation of Edward Abbey. Because
scholars and fans of his writing largely have missed the
significance of his heritage, I also want to tell as much of
Abbey's Western Pennsylvanian story as possible. Basic facts
about his years in the area are not widely known, while
others have been reported wrongly An example is his
birthplace -- reported incorrectly until now as Home,
I will focus mostly on Abbey's life, and draw on his
writings as part of his life story.[4] Western and environmentalist
readers have long considered Abbey's books instructive. But
Western Pennsylvanians may learn a lot about themselves and
their world, as well, from Edward Abbey.
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Abbey the novelist in the
mid-'60s, after three books. His next and most famous work
was non-fiction: Desert Solitaire. |
The value of Abbey's work has been recognized for more
than a quarter of a century. Abbey won a Fulbright Fellowship
to Edinburgh University in Scotland in 1951, a Wallace
Stegner Creative Writing Fellowship to Stanford in 1957, and
a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1974. He also enjoyed popular and
critical success. Kirk Douglas turned Abbey's second novel
into Lonely Are the Brave (1962), which Douglas says
is still his favorite movie, and he eulogized Abbey in the Los
Angeles Times.[5]
Yet Abbey always felt that the New York literary
establishment ignored and mistreated his efforts, and he
could be cranky about receiving awards. When Irving Howe
invited him to a banquet inducting him into the American
Academy of Arts and Letters in 1987, Abbey wrote back.
"I appreciate the intended honor but will not be able to
attend the awards ceremony on May 20th: I'm figuring on going
down a river in Idaho that week. Besides, to tell the truth,
I think that prizes are for little boys. You can give my
$5,000 to somebody else. I don't need it or really want
Several books about Abbey and his work have already
appeared and are still coming out, and he has been written
about in French.[7]
The Abbey collection at the University of Arizona contains 30
large boxes of almost every imaginable kind of archival material,
so scholars have ample resources for many more articles and
books. All of his books have remained in print except
for his first novel (Jonathan Troy, 1954), which Abbey
disdained and refused to have reprinted -- and so that novel
has become quite a collector's item. A bookstore manager in
the Southwest tells me that he would not consider selling his
used copy for any price below $1,000, and some people have
obtained the novel via inter-library loan and then
deliberately failed to return it.

On the Internet, Abbey is the subject of a very active
"abbeyweb," which is a "listserv"
discussion group, and "Abbey's Web," one of the
most elaborate and highly rated sites on the World Wide Web.
Both were created by Christer Lindh, whose account of how he
came to devote himself to Edward Abbey is illustrative of the
kind of devotion that Abbey continues to attract:
Abbey's Web is reachable from anywhere in the world
via the Internet, but it is physically located on a
computer in Stockholm, Sweden, of all places, and is
written and maintained by me, a Swedish software
engineer. The obvious question is, Why me?... One day a
friend gave me a book to read; it was called Desert
Solitaire and it was written by one Edward Abbey.
That evening I read it from cover to cover. I was hooked
by his writing, with its unique combination of beautiful
descriptions of the desert and a biting wit that attacks
the forces that would destroy it. The next weekend I
ventured out on my own to try to find the magic of the
desert that had obviously eluded me so far. I found it.
This experience fueled my metamorphosis from a computer
nerd to an outdoor enthusiast and nature-defending
nerd... Before returning to Sweden in October of 1989, I
took a month-long trip through southern Utah, northern
Arizona, and the eastern Sierra Nevada. Along the way I
read more books by Edward Abbey and got even more firmly
hooked when I had a chance to see and feel the areas he
loved and fought for.
|  |
From an early age, Abbey
showed an intense interest "the West." Note the toy
revolver in his grasp. |
web site is filled with admiring comments by readers from
throughout the world. Two quick, typical examples can
suffice: "Memorize Desert Solitaire. Carry it
around. Make it your life," and "Ed Abbey came into
my life many years ago via The Monkey Wrench Gang. Since
then I have acquired nearly all his books and he remains my
favorite author. I can't count the number of times I've given
Desert Solitaire to others to read. I miss him."[8]
The son of Paul and Mildred Abbey, and the oldest sibling
of Howard, John, Nancy and Bill Abbey, Edward Abbey was born
January 29, 1927. Except for a two-year hitch in the Army
between 1945 and 1947, he lived in Indiana County before
moving to the west in 1948. He returned home to visit his
relatives many times in his life. His Appalachian heritage in
Western Pennsylvania comes up repeatedly in his writings,
even in books set entirely in the West. Jonathan Troy, whose
namesake is an autobiographical high school student, is set
entirely in and around the town of Indiana (fictionalized as
"Powhatan, Pennsylvania"), which Jonathan finally
leaves, hitch-hiking west, at the end. The novel he
considered his magnum opus and called his "fat
masterpiece," The Fool's Progress (1988), which
he struggled to write for many years, concerns the boyhood
and eventual return home of his autobiographical protagonist,
Henry Lightcap. Here Indiana is thinly disguised as
"Shawnee, West Virginia," and the area eight to 10
miles north of the town in Indiana County where Abbey grew up
becomes "Stump Creek" (an actual village midway
between Punxsutawney and DuBois, Pennsylvania).
Abbey's desire for recognition in his native place is
reflected late in The Fool's Progress when Henry comes
upon a historical marker: "Shawnee... Birthplace of
Henry H. Lightcap" (498). Yet when I made my first phone
call to propose such a historical
marker for Abbey in his native county, the reaction was
"Who's Edward Abbey?" (Robert Redford, who knew
Abbey, and others wrote
letters of support for this marker. It was approved by
the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, and it was
dedicated in September 1996 on U.S. 119 in Home.)
campaign for an Abbey historical marker in Home, Pa.
(erected in September 1996) was spearheaded by this
article's author. |
Abbey himself remarked that his least
favorite categories of incoming mail included "letters
addressed to Edward Albee," from readers wondering why The
Monkey Wrench Gang was so different from Albee's The
Zoo Story. In Indiana County and in Pennsylvania in
general Edward Abbey, so acclaimed elsewhere as a writer and
environmentalist, has tended to get lost in the shadows of
his more glamorous fellow Indiana native Jimmy Stewart.
Stewart left Indiana for good at the same age as Abbey but
his return for his 75th birthday celebration in 1983
dominated the Indiana Gazette for months, and the
Jimmy Stewart Museum (occupying the entire third floor of the
town library) was opened with similar fanfare in 1995, when
the actor was still very much alive.
In contrast, a majority of people in Indiana County have
never heard of Edward Abbey. Yet there are certainly more
than enough people in the area who knew Abbey and his family
including his two surviving brothers, to set the record
Edward Abbey's
Books |
- Desert
- Appalachian Wilderness, 1970.
- Slickrock, 1971.
- Cactus
Country, 1972.
- The
Journey Home,
- The
Hidden Canyon,
- Abbey's
- Desert Images, 1981.
- Down
the River,
- Beyond
the Wall,
- One
Life at a Time, Please, 1987.
- A
Voice Crying in the Wilderness: Notes from a Secret Journal,
- Confessions of a Barbarian: Selections from the Journals
of Edward Abbey, 1951-1989, 1994
Next section:
Abbey's Early Life
[1] In 1981, Abbey spoke to Earth First!
demonstrators at the Glen Canyon Dam who rolled a huge,
symbolic, plastic "crack" down the middle of the
dam. Since 1966, this massive dam has flooded the
Colorado River above the Grand Canyon, disturbing the
ecosystem by slowing the river, and turning Glen Canyon, a
once equally beautiful area containing ancient Native
American rock drawings and dwellings, into Lake Powell.
(Abbey and his followers called it "Lake Foul.")
When Abbey died in March 1989, his friends and admirers were
so upset that they had not one, but two large public wakes in
his honor, the first soon after his death at Saguaro National
Park near his home in Tucson, and the other in May at Arches.
After he was buried by a few of his closest friends somewhere
in the desert at a site known only to them and his wife, they
put piles of rocks at some other places in the Southwest
because they were afraid that cultists would find and disturb
his burial site. See Edward Hoagland, "Edward Abbey:
Standing Tough in the Desert," The New York Times
Book Review, 7 May 1989, 41.
[2] McMurtry's descriptive phrase has been cited in
myriad places; one example is Brad Knickerbocker, "The
Values and Philosophies of Great American Nature
Writers," The Christian Science Monitor, 10
Aug.1994, 13.
[3] James Bishop's biography contains some errors about
Abbey's birth and his family. Not only does he claim that
Abbey was born in Home (xi) -- in fact, Abbey was born in
Indiana Hospital -- but, for example, he seems unaware of the
continued existence of Bill Abbey, referring only to Abbey's
"surviving siblings, Nancy and Howard" (xv) and
"Howard Abbey, Ed's surviving younger brother" (56).
A photograph that is actually of Bill Abbey, Nancy Abbey,
Iva Abbey, Mildred Abbey, and Ed Abbey, taken at John Abbey's
funeral in 1987, is captioned by Bishop as "Brother
Johnny Abbey, sister Nancy, a friend, and mother Mildred,
1986." Bishop also mistakenly asserts that Mildred Abbey
died in 1987 (56). She was killed by a truck in an
accident in Nov. 1988.
[4] My article "Edward Abbey, Appalachian
Easterner," in Western American Literature 31.3
(Nov.1996): 233-53, focuses on Abbey's writings, especially Jonathan
Troy, Appalachian Wilderness, and The Fool's
[5] Douglas, "Death of Writer Edward Abbey," Los
Angeles Times (Abbey collection, no date). Douglas wrote
that when he read Abbey's novel, The Brave Cowboy, around
1960, "I was deeply moved. I bought the movie rights and
finally persuaded Universal to allow my company, Bryna, to
make the film, which was brilliantly written by Dalton Trumbo
and produced by Eddie Lewis. In the cast with me were Gena
Rowlands, Walter Matthau, and William Shatner, and
introducing Carroll O'Connor in a small role... I apologized
to [Abbey] that the studio insisted on changing the title ...
to Lonely Are the Brave. In the more than 80 films
that I've made, this is my favorite." I am very grateful
to Clarke Cartwright Abbey for her permission to study, copy,
and quote from the Abbey collection, and am also very
thankful to Roger Myers, Peter Steere, and their assistants
in the Special Collections Department of the University of
Arizona library for all of their invaluable and copious
[6] Abbey letter of 20 March 1987, Abbey collection,
University of Arizona Special Collections, box 3, folder 18.
[7] See, for example, Garth McCann, Edward Abbey (Boise,
1977); Ann Ronald, The New West of Edward Abbey (Albuquerque,
1984); James Bishop, Jr., Epitaph for a Desert Anarchist:
The Life and Legacy of Edward Abbey (New York, 1994); and
Frank Stewart, A Natural History of Nature Writing (Washington,
D.C., 1995). Overviews of criticism on Abbey may be found in Contemporary
Authors, vol.45; Contemporary Authors: New Revision
Series, vol. 41; and Contemporary Literature
Criticism, vols. 36 and 59. The criticism in
French is by Sylvie Mathe: "Méditation sur le Désert:
Figures et Voix," in Mythes Ruraux et Urbains dans la
Culture Américaine (Marseille, 1990), 135-55.
[8] Abbey's web site can be found on the World Wide Web
at: http://www.utsidan.se/abbey/; Christer Lindh, "Weaving Abbey's Web'," Arid
Lands Newsletter, issue 38, at http://www.utsidan.se/abbey/abbey-Weaving.html; the two readers' comments, at http://www.utsidan.se/abbey-Desert.html#Heading52.