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About Abbeys Web

A word from your editor

(Doc Sarvis kicking a TV)
Hello! Thanks for visiting Abbey's Web, I hope you enjoy it and will visit again.

My name is Christer Lindh and I currently live in Stockholm , Sweden . In a way Edward Abbey has changed my life; when I moved to Reno, Nevada from the frozen tundras of Sweden I had little, or no, understanding of the desert country that was to be my home for two years. After a few weeks a friend gave me a book that I read non-stop that evening. The book was Desert Solitaire and the next weekend I took my first solo hike in the Nevada desert. From that day I slowly changed from couch-potato nerd to outdoor enthusiast nerd...

The month before I moved back home to Sweden in 1989 I spent one wonderful month traveling around in Southern Utah , reading Abbey-books as I went along which further enhanced the experience. Some day I hope to present a little travelogue and images from that trip (but please don't hold your breath...).

For a full account on how I became attached to Edward Abbey and later created this web site, please read the article Weaving Abbey's Web I wrote for Arid Lands Journal.

Now, information here will be pretty stale after a while if I don't get any input from you readers or additions to the material. So get out of that Laz-Y-Boy, shoot that TV right in the eye and participate in making Abbey's Web a better source of information on Edward Abbey and his works!

I'm especially looking for:

  • Corrections on information here that you think or know is wrong. Please help me correct bad English as well, as Swedish is my native tongue.
  • Your personal reviews of the books. Please add them as comments using the forms, or mail me if you don't have a forms-capable browser.
  • Scanned photos, art etc. that you feel are relevant.
    I have very few photos of Ed (actually only one) so if you have some of good quality and that are free to publish, please mail them to me (MIME or uuencode) or let me know how I can get hold of them.
  • More information on the books, especially the ones I have not read.
  • Information about new books about Edward Abbey.
  • URLs to related servers on the Internet.

Please mail me at or add a comment below in Reader comments.


*New* Abbey's Web has received the following awards:

Magellan 4 Star Site Top 5% of all Web Sites WebScout Way Cool Site


Abbey's Web is maintained as one MS Word document, and is converted to HTML using rtftoweb which breaks it up into parts based on heading levels.

The web-server is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and so am I.
The URL is

*New* Abbey's Web is also mirrored at EnviroLink in the US.
The URL is


English is not my native tongue (Swedish is) and I welcome your corrections on all spelling errors and bad grammar you find on these pages.

I may have violated some copyrights by scanning images, quoting text etc. Please let me know if you have a problem with that before you sue...


All my friends in Reno, Nevada who introduced me to Edward Abbey and the high desert.

My employer Abalon AB, for providing this space on the Web. Chris Hector and Christian Bolik, for writing rtftohtml and rtftoweb respectively.

Ken Sanders and Dream Garden Press, for the permission to use some pictures from their illustrated version of The Monkey Wrench Gang.

Ulrika, my beloved wife, who puts up with me and my whirring laptop that seems to follow me around wherever I go...

All of you who have sent me encouraging email and even books in the mail!

Everyone who have contributed to the Reflections section.

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